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    Available courses

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is common among individuals with learning disabilities – an estimated 50% of those with learning disabilities also have ADHD. Since an estimated 30% to 60% of adults in literacy and foundational learning programs have learning disabilities, we can expect to find many adult learners who also have ADHD.

    Adult foundational learning practitioners have essential roles in understanding, recognizing and supporting learners with unique challenges, including attention disorders.

    In this course, facilitated by Dr. Anne Price, we will focus on adults with ADHD.

    Adults in literacy and foundational learning programs may have a range of barriers that limit their success in these programs. One barrier may be a learning disability. Another may be an attention disorder. For some adults, both learning and attention disorders are factors affecting their progress in learning situations.

    Learning disabilities (LD) are hidden disabilities that affect individuals who have average or above-average intelligence but have difficulty learning in the same way as others because their brains process information in different ways.

    In this course, facilitated by Dr. Anne Price, we will focus on adults with learning disabilites.

    On-line facilitator training for CanLearn Friends program.

    This course needs a description added here.